BCOnline error messages containing a newline character at the end of the error message

JSON parsing fails due the newline at the end of some or all of BCOnline error messages.

These error messages break JSON formatting rules:

{“errorMessage”: “API backend third party service error.”, “rootCause”: "message:010: the Financing Statement for registration number 405908I has expired or been discharged.

{“errorMessage”: “API backend third party service error.”, “rootCause”: "message:006: no Financing Statement found for registration number 123456A.

This does not:

{“errorMessage”: “API backend third party service error.”, “rootCause”: “message:010:the Financing Statement for registration number 405908I has expired or been discharged.”}

This tool was used to determine this:

Hi Greg, can you email registries your account info so we can look at the logs?

The fix that is required is to remove the newline character from all error messages that are returned by BCOnline. The problem is not specific to my account.