Cipher suites for

Hi there,
Problems with the cipher suites used by Sent an email on the topic to SBC IT Operations Support, CITZ, as the subject is too sensitive for online. No auto reply for that email address, which makes me think that it is stale. Please confirm.

Hello, Thanks for the note. We will follow up.

Hi Nathan, Please send your problem to and they will direct the message to IT Operations, the internal tech group. As per the “about” section on API tech requests: Get Started - About | Service BC Connect Developer Site

Hi Nathan, Just a follow up, for technical questions for partners, please continue to use the SBC IT Operations Support email. We currently do not use auto-replies but will set you as the reporter of the ticket and you should get a ticket logged email. That was missed for your last contact but we have made changes to our process to avoid this in the future.