Unable to file changes after Change of Address

Is there a validation in place that restricts filing changes through POST /businesses/{identifier}/filings endpoint after an address change has been filed? We noticed an error message You are not authorized to submit a filing for BC2000154. if we follow this sequence in the sandbox.

  • File a change of directors (201 Success)
  • File a change of address (201 Success)
  • File a change of directors (401 Unauthorized)

Also, the Change of Address filing status remains PAID and doesn’t change to COMPLETED after the futureEffectiveDate of the filing has passed. Is PAID the final status that confirms the filing was successful?

Thank you

Sandbox will not process any future effective filings (for now).

[In PROD] Change of Address take effect at 12:01 am Pacific Time. No other filings can be performed until an Address Change has taken effect (Change of Address will stay in PAID status until filing is processed)

Note: More details will be shared in the next meeting