The specification file for the Business API requires business type codes. The specification has enumerated list of business type codes (e.g. AB, BC, CP) but no descriptions.
The Payment API specification has a handful of filing type codes (e.g. OTANN, BCINC, BCADD) in some embedded examples, but there doesn’t appear to be a description of these codes, nor an enumerated list. It would be useful if these were mapped to the filing types that are enumerated in the business specification (e.g. annualReport, changeOfDirectors, changeOfAddress). The latter are self-explanatory as they are clearly named.
Are these codes and descriptions available somewhere?
I’ve attached a list of business types and their short description to aide your development and planning. Note that the short description likely won’t be included in the spec.
We are only publishing the Registry Filings API (Businesses) in order to support business search. The API won’t support the submission of filings in the sandbox until a later date.
Can you confirm your intended use of the list of filing type codes? That could help me understand what other info you may need.
We’re ultimately doing most/all of the business filings when they become available. Right now we’re trying to code for the Pay API so we can retrieve applicable fees for the various filings so our users can see fee breakdowns prior to filing. I see BCINC (relatively obvious), as well as OTANN (?) and BCADD (?). Are you able to provide a list of whatever current valid codes are available at this time along with a description, and perhaps additional ones that will be available later? Thanks.