Hi team,
Hope you’re doing well.
Maybe this is a very basic question but I wanted to get a clarification on this statement
B.C. companies will be accessible via the Business Registry API to access filings, and the Registry Search API for search. This is the same API as many partners are already using for SP/GP and the same sandbox environment.
We have been using the BC Registry API for registration of businessType SP
and am wondering if the API credentials for the production environment for the new modernized BC API system will remain unchanged for our account. Essentially, I wanted to confirm we don’t need to get new production environment API keys issued for our account as specified in these instructions ?
Please also let us know if we need to request access to the existing companies in our account to retrieve data or documents for them?
And will the emails from the BC corporate registry with documents related to notice of articles and company information attached continue to be sent?
Thank you!